Oklahoma Driver's License

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You are about to take the Oklahoma DMV Online Practice Test. This sample test consists of multiple choice questions and answers.

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1. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Okay to roll through if no traffic can be seen
b. Oncoming traffic has a stop sign, but this lane can go
c. Stop
d. Slow down for oncoming traffic
2. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Upcoming median island
b. Median island ending
c. Object in road
d. Upcoming sightseeing location
3. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. U-Turns only
b. U-Turns discouraged
c. No left turns
d. No U-Turns
4. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Maximum allowed speed
b. Minimum required speed
c. Exact speed allowed
d. Maximum suggested speed
5. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. No disabled persons allowed to park in this reserved space
b. Disabled parking during daylight hours only
c. Parking for disabled persons only
d. Parking allowed only if not otherwise occupied by a disabled person
6. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Minimum speed to drive on an exit ramp
b. Exact speed to drive on an exit ramp
c. Maximum speed to drive on an entrance ramp
d. Maximum speed to drive on an exit ramp
7. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Left turn only
b. Two lanes able to turn left
c. Right turn only
d. Proceed straight ahead only
8. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Left turn only ahead
b. Sharp curves ahead
c. Exit to the left ahead
d. Obstruction in road; go around
9. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. No trucks on hill
b. Beware of trucks on hill
c. Steep downward hill approaching
d. Steep upward hill approaching
10. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Upcoming offroading site
b. Drop between road and shoulder
c. Flat tire warning zone
d. Rough road
11. What does this sign mean? What does this sign mean?
a. Watch for hitchhikers
b. Residential area ahead
c. School zone ahead
d. Pedestrian crossing ahead
12. Which lights should you turn on while driving in the rain?
a. Bright lights
b. Interior lights
c. Headlights
d. Hazard lights
13. Select the true statement:
a. All prescription drugs are safe to use while driving.
b. Only alcohol and illegal drugs can impair your driving.
c. It is safe to use any legal drug while driving.
d. Any drug, even an over-the-counter drug, can impair your driving.
14. At what point should you reach for your license, registration, and insurance information if you are stopped by a police officer?
a. As soon as you see lights flashing behind you.
b. As the officer approaches your vehicle.
c. When the officer requests them.
d. Never. If you don't give the officer your documents, you can't receive a ticket.
15. What is the FIRST step to take if your vehicle breaks down on the road?
a. Raise the hood.
b. Place reflective triangles to alert other drivers.
c. Stop the vehicle
d. Steer off the roadway if you can.
16. Implied consent law states:
a. You must submit to a sobriety test when asked by a law enforcement officer.
b. You can agree to plea bargain if arrested for DUI.
c. you will lose your license for six months if convicted.
d. You are presumed guilty by a court of law.
17. You may be cited for driving at the posted speed limit:
a. Never
b. If the posted speed is not safe at that time
c. Only if you are driving a motorcycle
d. Only if you are riding a bicycle
18. Who has the right of way at a stop sign when multiple vehicles arrive at the same time?
a. the vehicle on the left.
b. the vehicle on the right.
c. the driver that gets the "head nod" from the other driver.
d. the vehicle that's the newest.
19. A ___________ is located in the middle of a two-way street marked on both sides by two painted lines.
a. left turn lane
b. center left turn lane
c. right turn lane
d. crosswalk
20. Examples of traffic controls are:
a. Signs
b. Signals
c. Road Markings
d. All of the above
21. Which statement is true about motorcycles?
a. Motorcyclists are not allowed to drive faster than other traffic during congested road conditions.
b. Motorcycles are heavier than other vehicles and are less affected by wind/rain.
c. Motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicle drivers.
d. Motorcycles take longer to stop than passenger vehicles.
22. If you see a stopped school bus on your side of the road with its lights flashing, you must:
a. Move into the far-left lane, then drive past
b. Make sure you can't see any children, then proceed
c. Wait until the lights stop flashing before proceeding
d. Ignore it and keep driving
23. While driving with your intermediate license you are allowed to have how many passengers?
a. 2
b. 1
c. 3
d. You are not allowed any passengers
24. While driving with your intermediate license you may not drive between which of the following hours?
a. 10 PM to 5 AM
b. 11 PM to 6 AM
c. Midnight - 5 AM
d. There are no nighttime driving restrictions
25. You must drive with your learner permit for at least ______ to be eligible for your provisional license?
a. 12 months
b. 6 months
c. 3 months
d. 9 months