California Driver's License

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You are about to take the California DMV Online Practice Test. This sample test consists of multiple choice questions and answers.

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1. Wearing a headset or earplugs in both ears while driving:
a. Is understandable in certain situations, such as loud traffic.
b. Is against the law.
c. Is a safe driving habit.
d. None of the listed answers are correct.
2. Vehicles with hazardous loads have a diamond-shaped placard on them. Vehicles with hazardous load placards:
a. Must stay in the right-hand lane at all times.
b. Must stop before crossing railroad tracks.
c. Must alert California Highway Patrol that they will be driving in certain areas.
d. None of the listed answers are correct.
3. The speed limit in an alley is:
a. 35 mph.
b. 25 mph.
c. None of the listed answers are correct.
d. 15 mph.
e. The same as the streets running parallel to the alley.
4. As a driver, you may be cited for a passenger not wearing a seat belt:
a. If the passenger is under 18 years old.
b. None of the listed answers are correct.
c. If the passenger is under 21 years old.
d. If the passenger is under 16 years old.
5. Scanning:
a. Is not a term that actually refers to anything driving related.
b. Is a specific driving term that relates the position of your hands on the wheel.
c. Is a term used to refer to the scanning of particularly important driver's documents like your license or your driving record.
d. Means keeping your eyes moving and observing your surroundings to make sure you're keeping a safe distance between you and other cars.
6. If you have to drive in fog:
a. Turn on your windshield wipers.
b. Drive slowly.
c. Use your low beam headlights.
d. All of the listed answers are correct.
7. In order to stop safely, a truck traveling at 55 mph needs:
a. Up to 300 ft.
b. Up to 800 ft.
c. Up to 550 ft.
d. Up to 700 ft.
e. Up to 400 ft.
8. In the dark, bicyclists must have:
a. A white or yellow reflector on the front wheel.
b. A rear red reflector.
c. A white or yellow reflector on each pedal.
d. All of the listed answers are correct.
e. A white light in the front.
9. Pedestrians using guide dogs or white canes with or without a red tip should be:
a. Ignored or treated as normal pedestrians.
b. None of the listed answers are correct.
c. Given the right-of-way at all times.
d. Given the right-of-way if they appear unaware of your presence.
10. The fastest lane is usually:
a. The left lane.
b. The right lane.
c. None of the listed answers are correct.
d. The middle lane
11. When exiting the freeway, you should typically signal your intention to exit with your turn signal:
a. Approximately 5 seconds before reaching the exit.
b. Approximately 15 seconds before reaching the exit.
c. Approximately 20 seconds before reaching the exit.
d. Approximately 10 seconds before reaching the exit.
12. Before changing lanes, you should signal, look in your mirrors, and:
a. Survey your blind spot for vehicles, motorcyclists, bicycles, and other traffic.
b. All of the listed answers are correct.
c. Check traffic in your direct vicinity.
d. Glance around to make sure the lane you want is clear.
e. Make sure there is enough room to accommodate your vehicle in the next lane.
13. If you see a collision ahead:
a. Stop on the road immediately, so that those behind you will be alerted.
b. None of the listed answers are correct.
c. All of the listed answers are correct.
d. Warn the drivers behind you using your emergency flashers, or tapping your brake pedal quickly three to four times.
e. Warn the drivers behind you by using your car horn loudly and repeatedly.
14. When driving on a slippery road:
a. Pump your brake pedal aggressively.
b. Slow down at the first sign of rain, and adjust your speed to different slippery surfaces: five to ten mph slower on a wet road, halve your speed on packed snow, and slow to a crawl on ice.
c. Accelerate forcefully on slippery parts of the road.
d. None of the listed answers are correct.
15. You may park or leave your vehicle:
a. Wherever a "No Parking" sign is posted.
b. Within 3 feet of a sidewalk ramp for disabled persons.
c. None of the listed answers are correct.
d. On a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
e. All of the listed answers are correct.
16. Fines for traffic violations that occur in work zones can cost upwards of:
a. $500
b. $325
c. $1000
d. None of the listed answers are correct.
17. It is illegal to drive if you have taken:
a. Over-the-counter drugs that impair your ability to drive.
b. Illegal drugs.
c. Prescription drugs that impair your ability to drive.
d. All of the listed answers are correct.
18. Which of the following statements about traffic speeds is true?
a. Driving slowly can be just as dangerous as speeding.
b. Speeding does not save much time.
c. All of the listed answers are correct.
d. None of the listed answers are correct.
e. Collisions are more likely if you are going faster or slowly than the other vehicles on the road.
19. You should clean your windows and mirrors:
a. Because otherwise you could get arrested and convicted of a misdemeanor.
b. Because it will be difficult to see out of them otherwise, which could cause an accident if you're not careful.
c. So that your car looks nice.
d. Because your car manual says that you should.
20. You should clean your windows and mirrors:
a. Because otherwise you could get arrested and convicted of a misdemeanor.
b. Because it will be difficult to see out of them otherwise, which could cause an accident if you're not careful.
c. So that your car looks nice.
d. Because your car manual says that you should.
21. As a precaution, while driving in high winds:
a. All of the listed answers are correct.
b. Remain alert. Keep an eye on the road ahead.
c. Avoid cruise control. Manual control of the gas pedal will be useful when strong gusts of wind occur.
d. Reduce your speed. Slowing down gives better control over your vehicle.
e. Keep your grip and hand position on your steering wheel firm.
22. You should drive more slowly in heavy traffic:
a. Because police officers are more likely to give tickets in heavy traffic.
b. Because heavy traffic typically occurs only in lower speed zones.
c. None of the listed answers are correct.
d. So you have enough distance to stop without hitting the vehicle in front of you.
a. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby
b. Across two sets of solid double yellow lines
c. On a one-way street at a green arrow
d. At or on a railroad crossing
a. Turn right after you have come to a complete stop
b. Not turn right until the light turns green
c. Turn right after slowing and checking traffic
d. Turn right only if there are no pedestrians crossing the street at the moment
a. An intersection
b. A crosswalk
c. A railroad crossing
d. A blasting zone

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